Can I Successfully Do This?

Every leader lurks a daunting question that hurls a shadow over every significant challenge:

Can I successfully do this?

When I went to take the test for my driver’s license… When I went to work for the prison system… When I proposed to my wife… When my daughter arrived… and every new job I took, I subconsciously thought of this question….. Can I Successfully Do This?

But then, the next question is…..Or Am I destined for failure? Well, my personality falls forward to the answer to this question: ” I can succeed in everything.” Unfortunately, that has driven me to many disappointments and frustrations.

However, we must understand that almost everything that goes through our head attaches to our brain and then determines our decisions. 

We sometimes sabotage by shirking responsibility and self-medicating through addictive behavior – drugs, alcohol, gaming, etc. Others go numb, becoming “yes” men to the tyranny of mediocrity.

For those who have already made the tragic choice of shutting down and checking out, you need to realize your decisions and rethink the successful way forward.

For those still wrestling with the decision, take a step back and rethink the outcome of your choices.

As I coach or interact with leaders, I hear it in their voices and see it in their eyes and body language. People are constantly thinking Can I Successfully Do This?

YOU Can!

Let me drop in a few reasons why you are, indeed, up to the tasks you are qualified and capable of completing and can be successful.

You were MADE to DO this

What you have achieved or have been successful with in the past means you took advantage of your schooling, training, mentorship, and experience to achieve success. 

Everything we do offers challenges. And while we sometimes fail, we’re still designed to take on the challenges adequately. 

You’ve been equipped for this.

You have natural talents as well as trained abilities. It’s not that you’re superhuman. Instead, you’re a human who manages the opportunity within the hands of your past success.

You have people

You don’t have to do this alone. Some people will help you succeed. 

Maybe you’ve been let down by them, but don’t give up. These people, imperfect as they may be, are made to complement an imperfect you!

You also have people that you can help succeed. But, again, this is a requirement for all successful leaders. Remember, not everything is about you; it is about everyone!


Every company and organization suffers from a shortage of courageous, confident, and successful leaders. Instead, many have emphasized humility which creates false confidence for pride. But as we reveal that our thoughts, actions, and team are always working in us, around us, and through us to accomplish our success.

When you remain dependent and surrendered, you remain an unstoppable force for the SUCCESS OF EVERYTHING YOU ACCOMPLISH!

Yes, YOU Can Successfully Do This!!

Denis is an Executive Director for the John Maxwell Group and is a certified leadership coach, trainer, keynote speaker, and DISC Behaviorial Consultant. Denis is a senior safety professional and a strong, passionate influential person. He is committed to teaching and communicating practical and relevant influencing techniques.  His unique, passionate, and emotionally driven style resonates with many, creating a desire to become an effective leader. 

You can contact Denis at for information on coaching, leadership, team and culture training, DISC Behavioral consulting, or to be an inspirational speaker at your next event.

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